Create an item Settings >> Appearance >> Vault Folder View that changes “All Items” from being a flat list of all vault entries into a hierarchical list of folders, each one of which can be individually expanded. Something like this:
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@DenBesten As @MFKDGAF also raised the question of how the current filters for collections and vaults would integrate with my idea for an “optional folder view” - do you have an idea for that regarding your suggestion? (also see my first very basic - and far away from any solution - thoughts to that here)
This FR only proposes changes to the display of the All Items (sic) section. It is not proposing removal or change to the Search/Filter selection.
I would anticipate that anything entered in the search/filters section would continue to behave in the same way as it does today. That is, folders would only display items that match the search/filter. If a search/filter results in a folder having no visible content, I would mildly prefer the folder itself be hidden.
I understand that. But as @grb explained here, the filters need or make the most sense with the “All items” view. So if you change the “All items” view to something else, the question is, what does that mean for the (remaining) filters?
… what I just wrote above… - And does that mean, you would have the folders (and types) filters besides the “hierchical list of folders”? And what would the folders filter then “do” or be there for?
So if you e.g. chose a certain collection via the filter - how would the “hierarchical structure” change and display that?
(BTW, I don’t want to poke holes - I’m genuinely curious, because I would like to know if a solution like that could work - and how )
Not sure I understand the question, but if one were to filter by notes, the Hierarchical view would continue to display the same entries as the flat list, but with the enclosing folders (example below). Similarly, if one were to select a specific collection, Hierarchical would show the matching items, but again organized within folders.
This FR is just about “flat vs folders”. And by folders, I mean what appears in this menu for each item:
I suspect that your “five horizontal tabs” proposal would differ from this FR in that when one selected “type”, there would be 5 pseudo-folders named (Login, Card, Identity, Note, SSH Key) and each would be expandable to display the items of that type. Am I understanding what I think you are proposing?
Not proposing it change from being an all items view. It would still contain all items, just displayed a bit differently (in folders, or not). Or, if a search/filter is underway, it would only display the items matching the search/filter exactly as done today, but again displayed in folders (or not).
I concur with @grb that the heading “All Items” ought to change to “Search Results” when a search is underway, but since this FR is “flat vs folder view”, I wanted to stay on topic (at least in the starter message).
Agreed that when “Folder View” is selected, the “Folders” filter seems largely irrelevant (and could be hidden). But again, to keep this FR focused on “folder vs flat”, I did not want to go down that rabbit hole.