This is a fairly simple request, but I believe would have some security benefits.
At present, when Auto-fill on page load is enabled and the extension is enabled in private windows, the Firefox browser plugin will auto-fill even in these private windows. This seems surprising to me, as it seems to go against the purpose of private browsing.
I propose an option to disable this behavior in private windows, while still allowing it in standard windows. This seems sensible, since I do want Bitwarden generally to be available for private browsing windows, such as when using it to look for good prices on flights and needing it to sign in to book.
FWIW, there’s a setting in the extension that allows you to turn it off in Private Windows. Right click on the icon, click “Manage Extension”, then set the “Run in Private Windows” option to “Don’t Allow”.
That’s useful, but fills a different purpose to this option.
I still want the extension enabled in private windows, especially since in a private window you aren’t logged in anywhere and will occasionally need a password.
It’s more that I want to specifically not automatically auto-fill in a private window, but do want to automatically auto-fill in a regular window.
You might be able to solve your problem using browser profiles. Use one profile for private browsing, and a different profile for non-private browsing. I believe you will be able to customize the browser extension settings for each profile (even if they are logging in to the same vault), so that you can disable Auto-fill on page load for the profile that you will use when browsing privately.
Alternatively, you could selectively disable Auto-fill on page load for your more sensitive login items (bank accounts, etc.).