Nie działa autouzupełnianie (translation: Autofill doesn't work)

Hi, my bank has changed the login page and now Bitwarden does not fill in either the login or password. I have to enter everything manually.

Does anyone have an idea how to add the login from my bank to Bitwarden so that Bitwarden can complete the login? Provides a link to the Bank’s login page Moje ING | ING Bank Śląski

There have been several recent reports about problems with logging in to ING accounts. It appears that the problem is caused by the login form using a so-called “Shadow DOM”. Bitwarden has actually developed a new auto-fill algorithm that should be able to auto-fill “Shadow DOM” forms, but this algorithm is in the process of being debugged. Thus, a future release should hopefully fix the auto-fill problems at the ING websites.

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