New Account - "An Unexpected Error Occurred" Logging Into Web Vault

I created a new account and I’m getting “An Unexpected Error Has Occurred” when I try to log into the Web Vault. I have not been able to successfully log into the new vault using the Web Vault website. There are no records in the account.

Here’s what I’ve tried:

  1. I verified I’m logging into the domain where the account was created
  2. I verified my username and password are typed correctly
  3. I can successfully log into the account using the Chrome extension
  4. I can successfully log into the account using the Windows desktop client
  5. I can log into the Web Vault using another account on the same computer
  6. I tried logging into the Web Vault on another computer, using the Edge browser, still get “An Unexpected Error Has Occurred”
  7. I cleared the cookies and tried again, still getting the same error
  8. I even tried deleting the account and re-creating it. I did this initially because I thought I wrote the password down wrong, but when I was able to log into the browser extension and desktop client, I realized it wasn’t a password issue.

Not sure what else to try. Any ideas why I would be getting the error?

Hello @javasushi ,

I have no idea what’s wrong, but here are some more things that you can try:

  1. Create a new browser profile not importing anything. Login using this profile.
  2. Try with a totally different email and password. Use a randomly generated passphrase with only lower alpha.

The problem you are experiencing seems like a bug to me. It would be nice to be able to characterize and report it; otherwise, if it works with different email and password, maybe I would leave it at that.

check out this thread

it is a bug.

I think this is the most severe bug that they ever had. And still I can’t understand how opening the Bitwarden community website beside fixes the issue, and more surprisingly, has no issues like this.

I agree not being able to log into your vault is a worrying issue. I hope they can duplicate and fix it. I am on FF and I am not seeing it; Edge doesn’t cause problems for me either, unlike OP. OTH, OP only had problems with one account and not another.