Anyone found a way to have username and/or password auto-fill of have the drop-down box display for the username and password fields on
The autofill key (Ctrl-Shift-l on Windows) works for me on Firefox. I don’t see if it works for the password or not because I don’t have an account.
Thanks but it doesn’t work for me on Windows. Strange that it works for some but not others.
On Android, nothing works not even the BW extension.
How did you add
) to your corresponding login item? - The login fields seem to “belong” to
. If you added
with match detection “Host”, then that may the reason it doesn’t work.
The Bitwarden extension is not even supported on the Android mobile Firefox browser, so better try it with the Bitwarden mobile app on Android.
I use
in the BW app. In hind-sight, I shouldn’t have posted
in this thread. The URL is not the issue. It’s the dynamic form field. Did you try it?
I don’t use the Android BW extension in Firefox. I just installed it for additional testing of the ADP login form.
… you can also report autofill issues here: Mobile Apps | Other clients
Already did that.
After more testing, I find that, on Windows, the Firefox extension v2024.12.4 works on the ADP website but v2025.2.0 does not.
I do use v2024.12.4.
Maybe a case of fixing autofill in on website, breaking another.
Did now. (Windows 11, Firefox 136.0.1, BW extension 2025.2.0)
Worked with the inline autofill menu:
And worked with the context menu:
(with the GIFs I can’t redact easily, therefore didn’t show using it using e.g. the Fill button… but the Fill button works also, and the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + L also works)
Thanks for verifying that it works for you!
Doesn’t work on latest Firefox ESR (128.8.0). I tried on two different PC’s.
Also not working for me in a portable version of Firefox v136.0 which I just downloaded for testing.
You could try to replicate my setup. Add all three URIs:
As the Firefox is more my test system, my match detection default was on “Base domain”. I added the URIs with “default match detection”, so if you think about it, you could critize that setup here. But would be interesting to know, if that would make a difference for you.
(generally, I tend to add all domains and relevant subdomains… so that if I change to e.g. “Host” as default match detection, autofill doesn’t break down )
I don’t think URL matching is the issue. As you can see from this image, three BW logins match:
I did also try deleting my real logins and adding the ones that you shared but it made no difference.
Hm. That’s the main thing for autofill. I did not do anything else - no custom fields etc.
I’m not sure if it’s on Firefox, but you could test if 136.0.1 would work for you (or not).
Yeah, I thought it would be this error message.
And as you wrote above, with the same configuration, the extension version 2024.12.4 doesn’t produce that error… – I guess as you tested that with the different extension versions, you may have already deinstalled/reinstalled, otherwise I would have said, maybe deinstall and reinstall the extension (maybe even delete the local storage). (the famous “hiccup explanation” and general troubleshooting measure )
Sorry, I couldn’t help you.
Thank you! You have been helpful
Anyway, for now, I’m off. I hope, this mystery get’s a solution someday.
Still trying to get to the bottom of this. BW works if I visit
. It redirects to
but this particular form has static fields unlike the one I’m having trouble with.
UPDATE: So if I manually tweak the URL from:
BW works on this different form and I’m able to login with Firefox ESR 128 on Windows. The BW app still doesn’t work with this form on Android.
If I see it correctly, you only changed
That was your statement before and I did get it , but your update seems to suggest, I think, it is a URI and match detection issue.
PS: I already sent you my settings… if you are open to it, we could kind of reverse it: tell us your URIs and their corresponding match detection settings of your login item. If autofill stopped working for me too, we may be a step further. (but if it would still work for me, we might be back to square one ) – PPS: If all your URIs had “default” as match detection, then also tell me the default match detection setting of your browser extension (Settings → Autofill → Default URI match detection).
I still do not think its a URI match issue. When I change the URL, I get a different form with static fields. That’s what’s different. I’m using Base Domain detection in the BW settings.