Move translations to Weblate

Feature name

  • Weblate

Feature function

Weblate is not only a better translation service than Crowdin, it is also a tool, and excels in other areas too.

  • No spying third-party scripts
  • Better terms for hosted service, GPLv3+ for self-hosted
  • Actually gratis for hosted service, as opposed to only for non-commercial projects.
    Weblate Pricing

Want to contribute. More contributors for Weblate.

Related topics + references

Related projects
https:// hosted.weblate. org/projects/strongbox/
https:// hosted.weblate. org/projects/qtpass/
https:// hosted.weblate. org/projects/keepassxc/
https:// hosted.weblate. org/projects/keepass-dx/

I am full disclosure in the Weblate documentation group, and am a contributor.
Been using Crowdin and Weblate extensively for years.
Don’t like seeing libre software projects on Crowdin.

1 Like

yes, please. It’s great idea.