Move entry from shared collection into personal vault

I accidentally created a password entry in a shared collection.
Now I want to move it out of the organization into my personal vault.
But I found no way to achieve this without manually creating a personal vault entry and manually copy the data.

If I try to duplicate the entry, I have to chose a collection, means it is still in the org and not what I need.

I guess I need to change the owner of the password.
Currently, the owner is the organization and I would need to change it so that only I’m the owner?
How can I change the owner?
I’m admin of the organization but I see no option to adjust the password entry ownership.

Thanks in advance!

@Lars_Fischer Welcome tot he forum!

Currently, you’d have to go to the Web Vault, and select the “Clone” function (in the popup menu that appears by clicking the kebab icon):


On the “New Item” form for the cloned item, you will then be able to change the ownership from the organization to “My Vault”:


FYI, with the upcoming release of the redesigned browser extension UI, you will be able to do the above tasks directly in the browser extension.

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Hello grb

thanks a lot!

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