More types of Notes for Secure Notes

Hello! I currently use bitwarden’s note feature within items to store general important information and notes that I like having backed up, this made me consider if it were possible to have different formatting types within the notes themselves, something like a basic excel chart to input info and functions into. Other examples can be like general organizational improvements, the ability to format text with bullet points, bold text, I feel any of these things could improve the use of notes as their own secure way to store and backup text.

This isn’t a big deal of course since you can just upload files to the items but I find it a lot more convenient and secure to be able to edit things onto notes on the spot directly through the app/site. Notes are generally more convenient that way since you can access them remotely without having to download the files.

Already requested in Additional item types (pre-defined) and many many other threads.
Please search the forum for existing request before creating a new one

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