Mistyped password into email field during login


I managed to accidentally type my password into the email field on the landing page of the Android application (from Google Play) and clicking the Login button.

I was worried that I may have leaked my password to the BitWarden server, so I did some digging in the code and found this in mobile/src/App/Pages/Accounts/HomePageViewModel.cs:

                if (!Email.Contains("@"))
                    await _platformUtilsService.ShowDialogAsync(AppResources.InvalidEmail, AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred,

Am I correct in these three assumptions?

  1. So long as my password did no contain the @ symbol the BitWarden application would have given me the invalid email account message before submitting my request to the server.

  2. Neither Firebase Analytics nor Microsoft Visual Studio crash reporting would have sent the email/password unless there was an application crash.

  3. Even if one of the two analytics platforms had sent a crash report, the report would not have contained the email/password.

Thank you for your time.

P.S. This question is similar to this question ( Accidentally typed Master Password into email field on bitwarden app - problem? ); however, my question regards the Android app, telemetry, and passwords that do no contain @.