Migration from Docker to Kubernetes

Hi Friends,
I’ve been using Bitwarden Self-hosted on Docker on a single VM for about a year. I have a family subscription, and my family is very happy with Bitwarden. Now, I have a Kubernetes cluster, and I would like to migrate to K8s.
I went through the documentation of the Helm
Self-host with Helm | Bitwarden Help Center
as stated in the documentation I have to create a k8s secret with a minimum of some of the following:
1- “globalSettings__yubico__clientId” and “globalSettings__yubico__key” which means I have to buy two YubicKey devices each costing about 65 EUR.
2— “globalSettings__hibpApiKey” requires a subscription by HaveIBeenPwned (HIBP), which is about 4 EUR per month.

I didn’t use all that when I installed Bitwarden on my docker host.
is there any way to install Bitwarden in my k8s without No. 1 & 2?

I appreciate any help.
Thanks a lot.