Wenn ich in den Plugin-Einstellungen unter Kontosicherheit → Entsperroptionen das Häkchen bei “Mit Biometrie entsperren” setze, erhalte ich die Fehlernachricht:
Biometrie konnte nicht eingerichtet werden.
Die Aktion wurde von der Desktop-Anwendung abgebrochen.
Auf meinem Desktop-PC und meinem ACER-Laptop TravelMate funktioniert das bei identischen Einstellungen in den Bitwarden-Desktop-Apps und Browser-Plugins problemlos.
Gibt es da noch Probleme mit Windows-ARM64?
"If I check the box for “Unlock with biometrics” in the plugin settings under Account security → Unlock options, I get the error message:
Biometrics could not be set up.
The action was canceled by the desktop application.
This works fine on my desktop PC and my ACER TravelMate laptop with identical settings in the Bitwarden desktop apps and browser plugins.
Are there still problems with Windows ARM64?"
Hast du die aktuelle Desktop app Version 2025.1.3 installiert?
(Do you have the current desktop app versio 2025.1.3 installed?)
Bitwarden DesktopApp is on 2025.1.3 - Shell 33.2.1 - Node 20.18.1 - Architecture arm64
Bitwarden-Plugin works fine within Firefox 135.0. Therefore I suppose that Microsoft Edge is the culprit.
When Edge-Window is Fullsize, the Popup-Window of Windows-Security comes not to the foreground. After bringing it to the foreground and clicking OK I get the error message mentioned in my first post. Then I reduced the Edge-Window and tried again to unlock with biometric. After this the Plugin seemed to be hanging. In the meantime, I don’t get the Error-Message, but the tresor still isn’t openening.
I tested chromium browser Version 135.0.7000 too. The Bitwarden Plugin works fine.
I saw another strange behaviour with Firefox. After passing the unlock-procedure with Windows Hello Face, within 2 or 3 seconds I have to click on the Bitwarden Plugin-Symbol. Otherwise the Plugin is locked again.