In the browser extension, under Settings → Notifications → Excluded domains, could you make it easier to find an excluded domain.
Currently they are listed from earliest to most recent, and the only way to find one to delete is to manually search through all of them one by one. I currently have many excluded domains and it is becoming difficult.
Three possibilities:
Domains are sorted in domain order
Domains can be sorted in the current order (earliest to most recent), domain order, or the reverse of either
Domain order remains unchanged (earliest to most recent), but there is a text field allowing you to filter domains. Only domains which contain the entered text are displayed. The results are updated as text is entered, modified or deleted.
And on a second look at it: why only for the browser extension? I think that would be useful for the mobile apps, too. (BTW, on my Android version 2024.12.0, it is called differently and at a different place: Settings → Autofill → Block autofill)
And I needed another hour now, to realize, that it may even be a useful feature for the desktop app, as for the new roadmap also the desktop app seems to get autofill capabilies (though maybe only for apps on the desktop - probably doesn’t involve a URL… but another kind of URI?!):
I only have experience with iOS and Windows. For windows, adding this to the app would be a good idea. However, in iOS I don’t see a need for this as autofill is handled by the OS and is a lot less intrusive.
In Windows, if you have three password managers, you get three popups on top of each other and sometimes the login button every time you want to login. This is why I ask some password managers to not or never prompt for certain websites. Why do I have three password managers? I’m still choosing password managers.
In iOS, this is not an issue. For passwords iOS gives you choices for e-mail addresses and passwords from up to thee password managers (which you can choose in the OS settings) or go into a password manager and choose a different one. For passkeys it asks you to choose a password manager and then displays a passkey after that. Not sure what happens if there are mulitple passkeys in one password manager.
Hopefully Microsoft’s support for 3rd party passkeys in the future means this problem goes away for passkeys, but presumably would still be an issue for other login details (e.g. e-mail addresses and passwords).