Related to: ✅ New UI: copying a password requires 2 clicks
Copying a password is the primary piece of UI used in the Password Manager. In the old UI, copying a password took 1 click (click the copy button).
In the new UI, copying a password takes 2 clicks (click copy button > click “Copy password”). This is inconvenient because it is adding an extra click every time users want to perform a primary function. There is also cognitive dissonance because users expect the “copy” function to be performed when a “copy” icon is clicked. Being given menu options when clicking a copy button (Copy username / Copy password) is not inline with usability standards for copy buttons.
In the related issue (✅ New UI: copying a password requires 2 clicks) this has been addressed via “Show quick copy actions on Vault” under Settings > Appearance. However, seeing as copying password is the primary function of a password manager, I would recommend making 1-click copy the default for your application.
Context: I’m a Senior UX designer.