Make Bitwarden a Progressive Web App (PWA)

The pop-out window for the browser extension is great, but sometimes I wish I could have a standalone app for my chromebook. I know I can install the Android app, but something native would function better, and still connect to the browser autofill. The community has a PWA, it would be nice of BitWarden did too.


Thank you for your post!

Feature name

  • Enter the name/concept of the feature being requested
    Concept is Hybrid / Web Apps be made instead of Platform Based Apps

Feature function

  • What will this feature do differently?
    It will let us access a lot of settings, for which we still need to access web vault.

  • What benefits will this feature bring?
    We can access / change a lot of settings from the app itself rather than reaching out to the web-vault.

  • Remember to add a tag for each client application that will be affected

Related topics + references

  • Are there any related topics that may help explain the need and function of this feature?
  • Are there any references to this feature or function on other platforms that may be helpful?

Hi everyone, great idea.

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since i switched from firefox browser to MS Edge i’m missing bitwarden in my sidebar.
there is a way to load bitwarden in the sidebar, but it has scrollbars and doesnt works very well

plugin in sidebar of firefox :

MS Edge supports PWA apps in the sidebar.
I’m looking forward to a PWA version of bitwarden and hope it will solve my issue

bitwarden in sidebar of Edge :

As a new user and PWA enthusiast, I am perplexed that offers a PWA despite being of no obvious use as an application, while the actual application which is at offers no PWA.

Trying to sign in the the PWA ( just opens a new tab in the browser (

In anticipation of the question, I am aware of the plugins for browsers but am not looking for that function, but the specific function of the PWA, i.e. an application for my desktop platforms based on my chosen profile in my preferred web browser.

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