macOS Desktop "An error has occurred while enabling browser integration."

on my iMac, I lately keep getting “An error has occurred while enabling browser integration.” on the Desktop App.

I don’t have the same troubles on my macbookpro, so something is “weird” on the iMac… what/where can I delete/trash/clear to look at fixing this issue?

seems to impact all browsers, not just Brave (my main browser)

The other similar problems are all Windows related, not macOs, so what/where on macOS do I delete/etc. to fix this issue.

It must be the AppSotre version of BitWarden desktoip I should use, correct? and if I installed the HomeBrew version before, what else do I need to clear out?

This link describes where the app data folders are located for each version: Storage | Bitwarden Help Center

Try uninstalling the app, then deleting the corresponding data folder.

Thanks, but those didn’t work either ;(

I ended up doing that, and then ALSO kill the fingerprints, and the iTouch keyboard, and re-established the iTouch and then at least the biometrics worked… recalled it was a couple of reboots later that the browser stuff sorta worked again

and a reboot or two later, it’s not working on this machine AGAIN… works fine on my MBP laptop, but not the iMac desktop

Sandbox: Bitwarden(33381) deny(1) file-write-create /Volumes/eHome/Library

SI, I have an external disk for my home directories - 4TB instead of the measly 250GB inside the iMac… and will have the same problems I guess when I move/setup my MacMini M2Pro + 4TB external drive ;(

How to fix???

It is possible that you have not given the “allow access to other apps” permission, which is only shown at the first time you open the app and never after.

To see it again, open terminal and run

diskutil resetUserPermissions / `id -u`


tccutil reset  com.bitwarden.desktop

This would explain the fact that reinstalling does not work as the problem is with mac os and not bitwarden. However bitwarden devs should print a more descriptive error message,

I logged a support ticket, and BitWarden dismissed it, and then I did find the problem: my $HOMEDIR is not like /Users/username but /Volumes/eHome/username totally confusing BitWarden it seems, as it was requesting permissions for /Volumes/eHome/ApplicationSupport and not /Volumes/eHome/username/ApplicationSupport (The exact path I forget, not at that device) and just adding the soft link of /Volumes/eHome/ApplicationSupport pointing to /Volumes/eHome/username/ApplicationSupport and things was working agaiin