LP export - potential issues with import?

I exported my LP vault (using the browser to csv), and I noticed that any site credential entry that has notes and any non-site credential entries like Secure Notes, etc. doesn’t follow the csv format for the site credential entries in that the notes have a line for each line in the note.

For example,

hxxp://samplesite.com/,username,password,Site Name,0
Secret Question 1: blah1blah1blah1
Secret Question 2: blah2blah2blah2

or with a Secure Note it’s something like:

hxxp://sn,"NoteTypeWi-Fi Password
<all of the Wi-Fi note’s fields, one per line>

I’m guessing BW is smart enough to see hxxp://sn as a Secure Note and act accordingly, but what about the notes in a site credential record?

Is BW determine record starts by http and record ends by the line before the next http entry or EOF, whichever is next?

Lastpass has its own non-standard version of the .CSV format.

If you are starting with an empty vault, you can try to use Bitwarden’s import tools and see how they handle the Lastpass data. If the import results don’t look right, you can purge your vault and start over. FYI, there are several different ways to import from Lastpass into Bitwarden.

You wrote hxxp several times instead of http. Was this a typo on your part, or is this some additional weirdness introduced by Lastpass?

Thanks. I’ve been reading your other post to Russ08/Russell8 which has been helpful in understanding importing.

The hxxp instead of http is a manual edit for two reasons - so it doesn’t create actual links (habit from work) and in this case really because when I put more than 2 fake URL/URI entries I got a warning that as new user I couldn’t put more than 2 links in a post :slight_smile:

Edit: oh, and I haven’t even started with BW, yet - I’ve been reading how to set it up properly and I came across something about LP exports having issues upon importing sometimes over on Reddit.

OK, thanks for letting me know. I thought that Lastpass converting http protocols to hxxp was the explanations for Russ08’s woes!

The import process I guided Russ through (conditioning a .csv file and importing using “Bitwarden .csv” format) is a last resort, that gives you the most control over the import process, if nothing else works.

Bitwarden’s Browser extension and the Bitwarden Desktop app both have something called “Direct Import” which connects to your Lastpass account and directly transfers the data into your Bitwarden account.

There is also a stand-alone importer tool that will import from Lastpass, using a similar method to “Direct Import”.

However, using your exported Lastpass .csv file, you can also use the Web Vault’s import tool, where you can specify the file format “Lastpass (csv)”.

And, as mentioned, if all else fails, there is also the method of conditioning the .csv file, and using the Web Vault importer with the “Bitwarden (csv)” format option.

Good luck, and hopefully your experience is smoother than Russ08’s!

I think your last post answers my questions pretty well. Thanks!

For what it’s worth, I exported my LastPass vault to a csv file using the FireFox browser extension and imported it into BitWarden without any problem whatsoever.

Just to followup, I kept having issues importing the csv so I used the BW Importer app and imported directly from LP and everything is fine now.

Now, only about 1,500 credentials to update, lol.

Thanks again!