Logout from all stored account sessions


My question is regarding the browser app as well as the mobile app (iPhone).

You can log out from current Bitwarden sessions from within the web interface, even from within the desktop app. Logout from other sessions
But this includes only the Bitwarden sessions. Is there a way to logout from account sessions (not the Bitwarden session) Bitwarden has stored in the vault? I know, Bitwarden had to have the ability to log in to the accounts, maybe with AI (which is not possible at the moment!?) or there has to be an interface provided by the account site. Is there another option?

Is there anything like a session history for all my stored accounts and for connected/trusted device history? Is there a history for the Bitwarden vault sessions?


For the current device, you can instruct your browser to delete its cookies.

For any apps on your device (such as IG or Reddit), Bitwarden has no visibility into those apps and certainly has no way to modify or update them.

For sessions on other devices the problem is even worse. Basically, I don’t see there is a lot more that can be done.