In this image, it’s insinuating itself over another forum’s message field, when I scroll. You scroll down and up an it keeps appearing and disappearing.
Obviously, the Bitwarden icon should not be sitting in the message thread title field.
In this image, it’s insinuating itself over another forum’s message field, when I scroll. You scroll down and up an it keeps appearing and disappearing.
Obviously, the Bitwarden icon should not be sitting in the message thread title field.
You may want to turn off this setting:
Settings → Autofill → Show autofill menu on form fields → Off
With this turned off, you can still use “Ctrl-Shift-L” to cycle through your credential quickly (or use the Bitwarden extension icon).
Hi Neuron5569,
Thanks, I guess that’s the only choice right now. As you know, It’s supposed to be for form fields. Do you think think it will be addressed?
I am sure these will get resolved somewhat over time as they get reported. Here’s how to report the “autofill” problems on browser extensions:
which tells you to use this form:
I’m having maybe a similar or different issue especially on F-Secure’s community site using Chrome and Edge. After being logged in, the login prompt will randomly popup on the left hand side of the page. I have it set to “When field is selected (on focus)” as I would really rather not use a 3 key workaround option for now.
Thank you for your consideration
@54car54 Welcome to the forum!
The keyboard shortcut is not a “work-around”, it is the main way that Bitwarden does autofill. You have the option of re-assigning the shortcut to a different key combination (or even a single key, like one of the function keys).
Regardless, is there a reason why you’re not changing the “Show autofill menu on form fields” option to “When autofill icon is selected”?
Thank you for the welcome and your reply, @grb I haven’t used Bitwarden in a long time, and never got proficient enough to know the settings and options very well. I will give these a try