✅ Linux Fingerprint and/or Biometric support

FYI the PR [PS-2370] Unix biometrics unlock via Polkit by quexten · Pull Request #4586 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub is somewhat stuck at the moment. I’m not sure what the dev team in charge of that part of the code thinks about it at the moment. Possibly it just needs a review, maybe it needs better desktop linux platform APIs to be implemented more reliably (I’m independently working on Local Authentication (Biometrics) Portal · flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal · Discussion #1275 · GitHub, but this is slow due to time-constraints) or maybe it’s a different reason entirely.

In the meantime, I’ve also developed GitHub - quexten/goldwarden: A feature-packed Bitwarden compatible desktop client which implements biometrics support for the browser extension on Linux as well, so you can use that instead of the Bitwarden desktop client.


Why is there so poor support for Linux client?
Biometric option is essential for security.

Where is this basic feature???

I can’t believe I pay money for this

edit: [PM-990] Unix biometrics unlock via Polkit by quexten · Pull Request #4586 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub

Dude, this is huge amount of effort and work!
Thank you for stepping forward to participate :pray: :people_hugging:

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~19 months later this is now merged. Next release will have biometric unlock for Linux on all packages (including flatpak, but excluding snap. Looking into that one at a later date). Enjoy! :rocket:


Works great on Mint 22 with fprintd and the AppImage version of Bitwarden. Integration with the Chrome browser extension is smooth.

I guess unlocking after reboot will not be supported and unlock with PIN or a new login is required?

With the current APIs available on desktop Linux, allowing unlock on boot would be vulnerable in that it cannot guarantee that a locked vault is not unlockable by an attacker stealing the device with an unlocked desktop user session. So until first unlock, biometric unlock is not available.

The messaging around this and interaction with the browser extension will be improved though.

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Flatpak returns “Browser integration not supported”
ImageApp can enable browser integration, but the browser claims it is not enabled. Probably it can’t detect desktop app. I got “NativeMessaging port disconnected because of error: An unexpected error occurred” in the extension backend

I found the solution. Here is the info that only AppImage , Deb , and .rpm support it Password Manager Desktop Apps | Bitwarden Help Center. I prefer Deb. I had configured fingerprint unlock on my Ubuntu earlier and at this point unlocking the desktop app with fingerprint was possible. The second issue was with Native Messaging. The lack of a manifest file was the issue. Actually, installation of Deb package created that file for Chrome Browser ~/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/com.8bit.bitwarden.json but not for Brave Browser. The solution was to copy Chromes manifest to /home/michal/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/NativeMessagingHosts/com.8bit.bitwarden.json

Another issue that I found is the browser that is installed with snap. In my case, there is Native Messaging manifest for Firefox but I have snap Firefox. I haven’t found a solution yet

I assume you are also a fan of passwordless login, so I encourage you to vote for this issue
Autologin with LUKS and without keyring auth

+1 for this feature

@Quexten Thanks for the hard work.

  1. I got the browser integration to work for Firefox, but not Brave.
  2. On Firefox, when I click “Use Biometrics” nothing happens. When I unlock using the desktop app, it shows me the Linux System auth and asks me for my Yubikey PIN and touch the device, but when I click “Use Biometrics” on the browser extension nothing happens. I ran debug mode and no logs are printed or anything. If I pull out my Yubikey it gives me an error. (Perhaps Linux is hiding the system auth window due to a graphical glitch.)

Any help is appreciated.

@Quexten, I think that this feature request topic can be closed as implemented (to free up the 244 votes to those who voted), but I’ll let you decide whether you want to keep it open until this feature is also available for Snap.

For users who may still be experiencing issues with getting the feature to work, requests for assistance can be made in the Ask the Community section of the forum, and bug reports can be made on Github.

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@grb Feel free to close.

Also note that it’s not yet available for flatpak either; though for flatpak, the PR is open now: [BEEEP/PM-14950] Flatpak biometrics by quexten · Pull Request #12007 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub

@dabura667 Please create a GitHub issue if things are not working, and provide version / packaging info (appimage/deb/rpm).

For Brave, this is also tracked as an issue here: NativeMessageingHosts manifest file is not created for brave · Issue #11750 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub

Debugging why the browser extension is not working at the moment is tricky, but will get easier with: [PM-10741] Refactor biometrics interface & add dynamic status by quexten · Pull Request #10973 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub