I’m looking for Julialang support in Bitwarden Secret Manager.
I searched in this forum but didn’t find any other suggestion about such a feature request.
Any opinion?
I’m looking for Julialang support in Bitwarden Secret Manager.
I searched in this forum but didn’t find any other suggestion about such a feature request.
Any opinion?
Currently working on this
bitwarden_cli needs updating · Issue #10602 · JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil · GitHub for bw (update)
and Bitwarden Secret Manager (bws) CLI needs to be added · Issue #10609 · JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil · GitHub for bws (creation)
GitHub - JuliaBinaryWrappers/bitwarden_cli_jll.jl wrap bw
and probably in the future https://github.com/JuliaBinaryWrappers/bitwarden_sdk_sm_jll.jl which will wrap bws
Creation of a “higher level” package will be required. It will probably be named BitwardenClient.jl with BitwardenClient and BitwardenSecretsManagerClient.
I still wonder if I should create 2 high level packages or only one.
is a new package for Julia (alpha stage)