Is it possible to delete multiple folders and collections at once?

After an import I realized I need to clean up quite a few items. Is it possible to delete multiple folders and collections in bulk?

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I also want to know. Any news about his?

I also had to delete all of my folders because I wanted to import new data. I didn’t found a way to delete multiple folders at once neither in the Windows 10 desktop app nor in the web vault. :confused:

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Ran into this issue today as well. With Lastpass change I suspect many people will have this issue importing data.

I have solved the issue however using the official bw-cli tool and a little python.
I put the gist up here for anyone that needs it if you came here trying to figure out how to delete multiple folders.

You may also find the following useful for deduplication:
Bitwarden Duplicate Entries Remover : Bitwarden (


Thanks for the script @voice1, was helpful in cleaning up a bulk duplicate import from LastPass.

Please vote for this feature to be added to Bitwarden!: Recursively delete folders

I had to script up a solution in Python using the bw cli to get this to work (my usecase was deleting a lot of items that were duplicated). What’s even more unfortunate is that I couldn’t run many deletes in parallel since the bw cli puts a lock on $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Bitwarden CLI/data.json when it updates the vault.

I thought I could migrate from KeepassXC and also get my wife on the PasswordManager-bandwagon with Bitwarden but the interface is horrible on Android and the WebGUI is not much better.

Lacking the ability to select All in a folder and moving them for instance, or like this post, selecting multiple folders.
I’ve experimented with importing the CSV-file now several times to get Card/Note/Login correct on the types but it has left me with ALOT of duplicates and now I realise I need to delete each and every folder manually…

I know its an old post but hope this helps anyone looking to achieve something similar in future. If you have bw cli and jq installed you can run the following command (tried and tested on macos ventura on a zsh)

bw list folders | jq -r '.[]|.id' | xargs -I % sh -c 'bw delete folder %;'

WARNING : Running this command will delete all folders from the account you are logged in from bw cli.

Replacing folders with other objects bw list and delete sub commands support like items should work too