IOS App Client Certificate


We use client certificate on our self hosted bitwarden server to protect externals access.

On browsers and browsers extensions, the client certificate is requested and it works but on IOS App even if the certificate is present on device (with profiles) the Bitwarden App prompt a popup with “An error Occured”.
I think that the client certificate is not pushed to the server.

Can you add this feature to IOS App ?

Thanks a lot !

plus one for me

Plus one on this also for me, I really would find that feature extremely useful, since I did not manage to use the supposed workaround by file extensions

Starting with iOS 12, if you want to use client certificates for GlobalProtect client authentication, you must deploy the client certificates as part of the VPN profile that is pushed from the MDM server. If you deploy client certificates from the MDM server using any other method, the certificates cannot be used by the GlobalProtect app.

plus one for me.
It will be great to app this feature to mobile client.