Funny that this feature has been requested since 2016 even before this forum was up. and it doesn’t seen like any progress has been made
I have been using BW exclusively for the past 2-3 weeks on all my devices. As much as I hate LP, I have decided to purchase their family plan. This feature is one of the biggest reasons. I am sure I am not alone.
Because LastPass has 1) paywalled previously free features; 2) raised their prices; 3) implemented frequent ads for Premium in the browser extension; and 4) not improved their software. ie. They only care about the almighty dollar. Probably comes from being owned by LogMeIn.
People can take issue with software they used to use, and yet still want the software they currently use to implement similar features that they miss. The “go back where you came from” argument you make is, frankly, tone deaf.
I came here on recommendation of other free / paid password managers and currently two things mean transitioning over from Lastpass to Bitwarden are blockers to this. The first is the missing pop-up “autofill box” and the 2nd is the inability on android to autofill the sequential login boxes, i.e. a website presents first the username box then the password which is not useful, Lastpass can do this!
@adamkimber , I haven’t stumbled upon this second issue yet, I recommend you opening a newfeature request asking for a solution
@FOSS_Lover That’s a good idea, I’ll do just that!
Bumb for please. This is the only feature I can think of that I really miss from LP. Will take premium once this feature is added.
+1 for feature. The people on this forum are particularly smart people. So glad to be here. I feel smarter already.
+1 for this feature.
I’ve come across a alternative option of Keyboard shortcut key to auto-fill the password. Hope this helps till Bitwarden implements the ‘overlay’ feature.
Control + Shift + L → On windows
Cmd + Shift + L → On Mac
Throwing in my support for a feature like this. If you can avoid the positioning issue that LastPass had that would be great.
I get that some people may not want this (for good reason) but it’s one of the reasons thats pushing me back to lastpass personally. I probably wont go back due to pricing changes, but it never slowed down my browser noticeably and was much more convenient. I think an opt in or opt out would be an amazing feature.
So I think I was having the same issue as you with android. What i did to get it working like Lastpass, is change some settings. First I enabled “Auto-fill Service” then turn on “Use accessibility” and “use draw over”. Once all these are enabled I have been able to use Bitwarden just like Lastpass. Hope this helps.
Feature name
- Little icon next to login box
Feature function
There should be a little icon to open up a little dialog box for choosing which login I want to fill up. Beside there should be a little icon for password generator and it will save automatically login info and my new generated password.
Related topics + references
This feature is already available to lastpass password manager extention
This feature has also been requested here. ✅ Inline autofill menu (formerly known as overlay popup interface)
When bitwarden will look totally like Lastpass, don’t forget to increase the prices… like Lastpass.
Then it becomes lastpass not bitwarden. Bitwarden is great
+1 For this feature. Its something I found very useful from Dashlane and feel it would make sites with multiple accounts easier.
Yeaah, I miss this from lastpass as well. If its possible to do this securely, this would be amazing.
For me a matter of usability, specifically discoverability. As is evident from this thread lots of users expect to be made aware that they can fill one/more log ins, and easily select them.
I personally love the hotkey CTRL+Shift+L but hotkeys have no discoverability and as such are power user features to me - you have to find out it’s a thing, which I did from the forum.
Stored logins are currently discoverable from context menu of the field (right click - power user thing) and the browser integration icon, which, as others have noted, is very far from the attention area (example below). Even if you have discovered that you can use that icon, the travel distance with the mouse is long (worse the higher your resolution )