Increase secret note editing window

Hi all!

This has bugged me for years, I assumed it would get fixed but maybe better to post about it.

I use secret notes quite a bit, they display nicely and all but when you want to edit your notes you get the tiniest window to do so. It can show 6 rows maximum while I have plenty of space available for more. Why not scale this to your application size window? Editing the notes is a pain like this.

Thank you!

@beatnutz Welcome to the forum!

No argument from me about that feature request in general, if it is about the default size of the notes field. (?!)

You do know, that you can enlarge the field manually?! Like this:

I was just going to reply that I do not have that icon when I noticed that it actually sits on top of the scrollbar, so it is barely visible. Lol… Thank you! All good then

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You’re welcome!

I’m going to close the feature request then… Feel free to open another one, if you find someting.