In web page auto fill drop down, doesn't work on some sites

I don’t think there is a language barrier, unless you misunderstood the part where I said I agree with you that you’ve found an issue. :wink:

This feature is called “inline autofill menus” (previously called “overlay pop-up interface”, and it is enabled using an option named “Show autofill suggestions on form fields” (which can be found under Settings > Autofill).

“Autofilling” is just the feature that transfers your vault credentials into a login form. The Bitwarden browser extension offers about 8 different methods for autofilling, which fall into 5 functional categories. You have found a bug in one of these autofilling categories (the inline autofill menus).

As such, I think that the Autofill Failure Report form would be appropriate (check the “Inline auto-fill menu” option as the autofill method used, and specify “Other” where it asks “What field did not work?”).

Nonetheless, if you prefer, you can open a bug report (“New Issue”) on GitHub (which is where bugs are tracked). Bitwarden reviews each bug report, and if it is deemed by them to be an autofill issue, they will direct you to the Autofill Failure Report form.

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