How to filter and remove all only personal items (from My vault only)?

I need to remove all my personal items (passwords, cards, etc), while keeping all items, shared with me (by collections), untouched. Or, at least, see the list of all my personal items (excluding ones from collections) and use checkboxes to check which I want to delete.

But I can’t find a way to do this in Bitwarden UI!

The ability to select several items to delete is available only on Bitwarden Web. But even there I can filter the list by a collection, but no way to show only my own personal items.

So, could anyone advice me how to do this?

Could you temporarily change the permissions for the collections to remove your view access? Then only your personal vault items should remain.

Hi @Murz, you can filter for just your personal items in the Web app/vault by clicking on “My vault” on the left hand side. This will filter to only items within your own Individual vault (not your Organization vault). From there, you can multi-select or select all and delete as necessary.

You can confirm that is has filtered correctly if all the items show the Owner as “Me”.

I hope this helps, but let me know if you have any additional questions!

I surely can remove the view access, but how can I return it back? And I have a lot of collections, so this is a pretty time consuming operation.

Yeah, thanks, this works! But seems this is only applicable to the Web interface. I can’t find ways to select multiple items in the Desktop App, or in the Browser Extension. So, I filled up another issue: Provide ways to manage (move, delete) multiple items in Desktop app

Assuming you are the administrator, you should be able to re-enable your view access from the Organization Vault view in the Web Vault.