I would like to know how i could contribute to the icon library at https://icons.bitwarden.net/.
To be fair it’s a very nitpick since on my 400+ entry vault only a few do not have icons.
and apparently openai.com
If it is possible to add sub domains sutch as auth.XYZ.com
or auth0.YXZ.com
to XYZ.com
Since a lot of the time this is the subdomain the bitwarden web extension auto-populate in the uri feild.
@Redbloc Welcome to the forum!
Bitwarden does use the FQDN when looking up icons. Icons are sourced directly from the websites, and cached on Bitwarden’s icon server; there is no way for a user to contribute icons. Sometimes, the icon retrieval does not work properly (including the three sites that you have mentioned), perhaps because the source server does not provide the icon before a timeout occurs.
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