How to cli add user with collectionid/folderid

I have an Project with anible where i mass change server userpw and id like to add the password in one got to our on-prem bw install.
There are diffrent groupings of those servers so i need the possibility to use an colleection id to i can use diiffrent cariables in my project.
I thought it would be like this:
bw create item \ –collectionId “U6bKJ3Us4byu&TAXya@7nz9Sr” \ –name “My New Password Entry” \ –login username=“jdoe”,password=“myp@ssword123”

I talked with the support the first said it would be possible, but after some time its not anymore.

Ive seen a video in which its steted that it would be possible to add an
item with more tan just username and password, but it would be a ppain
in the $ to get the correct “grammer” for the promt, because you have to
find it your own way because possible, but nowhere written down.

So i would appreciate if you would ask how to use the bw create item
woth collection id included or how to edit or add a new template for the
item to accept more than just username and password.

The support gys told me the contact to the devs would be quicker via community forum.

Thank you in advance!