How do I transfer vault of an offboarded user to another active user?

This was something that can be done in Lastpass where the contents of the offboarded user’s vault can be transferred to another user’s vault, such as their manager.

Is there something similar for Bitwarden?

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Hi @dfsense and welcome to the community,

As of now I do not believe there is any ability directly to transfer the entire vault contents of a user to someone else such as a manager, or even for that matter directly into a shared Organization collection for access.

The best recommend I can give currently would be the use of Admin Password Reset, coupled with your standard Employee succession and off-boarding procedures.

As an example,

  1. Receive HR notification of employee off-boarding
  2. Reset login/email password and disable on your IDP
  3. Reset user Bitwarden password with Admin Password Reset feature
  4. Use new password to login, and change User Bitwarden password.
  5. Depending on your configuration with 2FA you may need to access your email system, IDP for SSO, or you can use the Bypass option for a user 2FA if you use Duo for Organizations.
    (If none of these work, you will have to resort to deleting the account detailed in Step 7 to delete without logging in)
  6. Audit vault items, and move them to a shared Organization collection (Best option here is to create a specific collection for that user)
  7. When you are satisfied and wish to delete the account, follow the steps in the Help docs.

All this being said, this is the best flow I have found currently. As I understand the Roadmap has a currently planned expansion for better Account management and deprovisioning so hopefully many more things to come. :slightly_smiling_face: