How can I delete a passkey from a login item?

I just looked at the 2024.4.1 release notes which states: " Delete stored passkeys: Passkeys that have been stored on Bitwarden login items can now be deleted from the Vault itemEdit screen. Learn more here."

I just checked the FF and Chrome extensions (now updated to 2024.4.1 and that icon to delete isn’t showing up after entering edit mode. Not sure if it’s just me or if others are experiencing the same.


Deletion now works in the web vault, but not in the Firefox extension.

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I just checked the Chrome extension also (version 2024.4.1) and I don’t see the option to delete either.

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Hi y’all!

Sorry for the confusing release notes. As others have pointed out, the feature is available in the web app and should be available in the other apps soon. We made some changes to our release cadence this year and are still working on the best way to communicate what is in each release clearly.


@Micah_Edelblut Hi Micah, as I just experimented with discoverable and non-discoverable credentials, I discovered, that my browser extension (Brave) and desktop app (Windows) don’t show the delete icon for passkeys any more. All apps up-to-date.

Was something changed since the April release?

I had to go to the web vault, to be able to delete a passkey.

No intentional changes here - you may have found a bug. I’m not able to replicate the issue using the Brave browser extension on macOS. Is the issue affecting all your passkeys or only certain ones?


@Micah_Edelblut To be honest, now everything is there again… I almost am not sure, if I was “blind” or if it was really missing. :face_with_spiral_eyes: (PS: Thanks for your answer!)