History for all fields like Password History

@therave Welcome to the forum!

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Needed to look up an old credit card number today. Was bummed to find out that the history isn’t stored for card types.

@newwardenintown Welcome to the forum!

This is actually a bit surprising, since the card number is a “hidden” field (i.e., the card number is obscured until you toggle the :eye: icon), and Bitwarden does maintain a history of other hidden fields (passwords as well as custom hidden fields).

I agree. I’ve had two sites in the past that wouldn’t let me modify or remove old/expired credit cards unless I could enter the old card info in first, and I didn’t have it.

It would be helpful to pull up old credit card info, such as card number, expiration date, cvc, etc.in case it’s needed.


This feature is already available in Proton Pass (called “item history”). Bitwarden should implement this to stay competitive. I would love to use this to easily track my previous credit card numbers and the history of other important information that isn’t stored in the password field.

Pass keys can be accidentally deleted pretty easily (edit, click the ‘delete’, save). There’s seemingly no way to get them back.

You can re-import them from a backup which is nice for someone like me who’d bother to make automated encrypted backups, but if you’re not doing that then if you enter the edit dialog, click the ‘remove passkey’ button, then save, you’ve locked yourself out of that account. So every time you edit you’ve got to be real careful to preserve the key if you have no backups.

I have a cat, people have kids. Errant clicks happen. If this behaves similarly on a phone it’s even more likely this happens.

Or, why not allow for full record history? 1password does this well: any edit is preserved, and you can restore old versions at any point. The only way you can truly lose access is if you delete the whole record and let it sit in the ‘recently deleted’ bin for 30 days. (assume votes go towards this idea instead of one where only passkeys are restorable)