Help needed testing new autofill build on Android

Hi Bitwarden Community,

Thank you for all the feedback you’ve given on the new native apps currently in beta. Your insights have been incredibly valuable. To better understand the details of the reported autofill issues on Android, Bitwarden is planning to provide a special development build of the beta app with enhanced logging enabled.

We are looking for assistance from Android users who meet the following criteria:

  1. Use a device running Android version 10 or newer.
  2. Have experienced autofill issues with the new beta version of the Bitwarden app, where those issues were not previously observed on public versions of the Bitwarden app.
  3. Are comfortable installing and using a build with logging enabled. Bitwarden can provide a test account so you do not need to log in or test auto-fill with real account data.
  4. Have the ability to use Logcat to capture logs and are willing to share those logs with our development team.

The hope is that your participation will provide us with the data needed to investigate and resolve these issues more effectively.

Please post here or DM me if you’re interested in testing this specific build and helping Bitwarden improve the app. I will follow up with users interested in testing this build with the next steps.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Bitwarden Community!

Best regards,

The Bitwarden Team

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I’m interested in testing this build with enhanced logging.

  1. I have an S24+ with Android 14. I use Samsung Internet and Keyboard.
  2. Yes, I already shared an issue with your team via email, and they referred me here.
  3. Does this testing expose my password or email ID to your team in any way? If not, I can use my default account.
  4. No problem.

Hi @Micah_Edelblut - I can’t figure out how to DM you, but I’d love to help out with this.


p.s. Feel free to DM me to discuss further.