Full search function on Mobile apps


I can search into secure notes in browser without problem using the browser search function but I can’t find a way to do so from the mobile app.

Maybe am I missing something ?


PS : the global search function doesn’t find my secure notes string neither

Substrings aren’t always returned. I’ll move this comment to the other thread: Search within and inside all notes - #3 by tgreer

When a search is started to find items (logins, cards,…) that include a specific keyword, the tool searches in the Name fields, but TOO should search in the notes field. Reason: I end writing long names in “name” field to have key words to search, while those can be simple text Notes and leave the Name more friendly

This definitely needs to be corrected. It needs to have the same search capability on every device. I had this problem and I realized that I am not alone.


When I search my vault for a term that’s in a secure note or login’s “notes” field, I get 0 search results. Only terms in the “name” and maybe some other fields return results.

Can the mobile app’s vault search enable searching through item’s “notes” field as well?



Really helpful if the mobile app’s vault search could include the “notes” field for a more comprehensive search experience.

Best Regard,

@jeny38mark Welcome to the forum!

I moved your comment into a different feature request topic, that is more directly relevant to what you are asking for.

@user16 Moved your comment, as well.