Flexible folder creation/deletion/re-organization

Currently, users are required to create a folder before adding an item to a folder. This is such a pain in the behind to use in any meaningful way if you don’t plan out all the folders you’ll ever need.

Problems with the current model

  • Must create a folder before adding items.
  • Must edit all items ONE. BY. ONE. that you want in the new folder.
  • Deleting a folder moves all items in it to the “No Folder” category.
  • Cannot bulk-edit all folders items belong to
  • Updating a folder something belongs to changes the last-edited time for that item

What are the checkboxes for on the web vault? I was scratching my head thinking I could just select them and drag-drop them into another folder??

Feature request:
Let users update and reorganize folders in bulk for items. Users should be able to select multiple items and be able to do something like “move items to folder”.

Creating folders on the fly can come later I guess, but could we please have this? I am currently stuck using whatever folders I have because it’s too time-consuming to edit the folders for all these items. It defeats the one purpose of folders.

That is not entirely true. In the web vault, you can mark a bunch of items and “add them to a folder” - see the second method described here (again, only for the web vault!): Move items to a folder | Bitwarden Help Center

Ah, only for the web vault. Thanks for the link! I can at least do something now I guess.

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