✅ Fix Firefox private mode issue

Just wanted to check… are we talking about the BW addon not working in a private window because Firefox by default does not allow addons to access private windows unless you specifically check the box during addon installation (or the radio button on the addon settings)?

If the “Run in Private Windows” option is not checked, then the following message appears when you are in a private window and click the BW dropdown “Unfortunately this window is not available in private mode for this browser.”

If its a bigger issue with the API, please disregard, it wasn’t clear to me from the OP that this was the case.

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Long story short, we need to upgrade the manifest version to fix Firefox, but if we do that, it will break Chrome-based browsers until this new API is added. :crazy_face:

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@tgreer It should be possible to just ship different manifest.json files to the appropriate store? That’s what I do for my small extension - I have a firefox.json and a chrome.json. The build process copies it to manifest.json depending on what the target is

I wish it was that simple :slight_smile:

Along with the manifest changes, there are some fairly large changes that need to take place within the extension overall.

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@Adrian_Miller I’ve merged your request into this existing thread, the team is also working on Manifest V3 support for changing extension standards, rest assured your feedback has been passed along to the team.

Thanks all, closing this one out as the original ask is complete. Please create a new feature request for additional enhancements.