Find passkeys stored in vault

Hello all, I’m looking to migrate my vault and I understand that I cannot export my passkeys. Is there a way to find items within my vault that has a passkey stored within them? Either through the web interface or through the bw CLI interface, as long as I can find them.


On CLI, you can filter items that have passkeys with jq.

This, for example, will list the login item ids that have a passkey:

bw list items | jq -r '.[] | select (.type == 1 and .login.fido2Credentials != []) | .id'

However, a vault export (and import) in json format does export (and import) passkeys within their items.

Only into a Bitwarden account. I assume that OP is switching to another password manager.

This is correct, but I could find the items with passkeys easily so the passkeys could be recreated in the other vault.

Thank you @kpiris for the CLI command!