Error while creating secret (bitwarden/sdk-napi)

Hi, I am getting error while creating secret. Below are code lines:

let createSecretPayload = { key: “key1”, note: “note”, value: “value1”, organizationId: “oid” }

const createSecret = await client.secrets().create(createSecretPayload.key,createSecretPayload.note,createSecretPayload.organizationId, createSecretPayload.value)

I am getting response as
Received error message from server: [404 Not Found] {“message”:“Resource not found.”,“validationErrors”:null,“exceptionMessage”:null,“exceptionStackTrace”:null,“innerExceptionMessage”:null,“object”:“error”}

Has anyone got this issue before?

Hey, getting some of our team’s eyes on this, but in the meantime it is recommended that you check that the access token you are using is assigned to a service account that has write access to the project. A 404 is expected behavior without write access.

Hey @jtouchstone, Thanks for reach out. I have checked access token and it’s have both read&write permission. I have also missing projectId field in create methods of SDK while i want create secrets for specific project.

hey, ive beent trying to figure out how to create a secret in nextjs. Could you perhaps send me your code so i can get an idea of how it works? thanks