✅ Encrypted export

I have been using keepass with sync to MEGA cloud service, before I switched to Bitwarden.

I can say that, Bitwarden is still much easier and smoother to use; even when compared with such a use case of keepass + cloud service. So, I don’t think implementation of encrypted export feature misalign with the Bitwarden’s own good.

Stop-gap solution:

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This might be what you are looking for:

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Sorry. That’s not what I’m looking for. It is a nice workaround though. But my current workaround with exporting to a Cryptomator vault is, too,

I’ll wait for Bitwarden to add a native encrypted backup that by nature is INDEPENDENT from other tools.

@kspearrin Have you thought about implementing a PGP encrypted SELECT database dump over SMTP?

I’m thinking that you dump my already encrypted data, optionally encrypt it again with PGP and send it every week to me over SMTP.

I am well aware that the BitWarden database is on Azure and is backed up boatloads, but considering how majorly fucked my life would be if Bitwarden went poof i don’t even want to think about it. Somehow being able to get a raw dump of my data every now and then would feel very reassuring. I haven’t read sourcecode, but i assume even though the data is encrypted you could still do a couple selects to get my user specific data out of the tables, dump to csv, tgz and ship it off over SMTP.

The option now with bitwarden cli means the data gets decrypted, which means i must store auth somehow… Which means if my machine is compromised someone would definitely get all my passwords to all services in their hands.

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Are there any update on this?
I would like to have the encrypted export to backup my passwords and store it on my own.

It should come by the end of this year or beginning of next year.

Thanks! Will be waiting!

+1 for this feature.

If you are interested, currently I do my backups by downloading json files and then using my gpg keys to encrypt it. If I could upload my public gpg key so BitWarden would automatically encrypt the json file with my key, then it would be fantastic. But any encrypted option will be great, really, until the encryption is simple enough that it can be decrypted without needing to have bitwarden cli.

Can someone working for the bitwarden team explain how this feature will be implemented ?

Will the exported file need to be imported in bitwarden to be read, or will it be possible to decrypt the file without bitwarden (like a zip for example) ?

The initial implementation will need to be imported into a Bitwarden Vault.


I see that this feature has been merged to master. However I do not see it available in the webvault or in the extension. When will this feature be deployed?

This and a few other features will be available towards the end of the month.


The ability to export encrypted data is now live for cloud services! Self-hosted updates coming in 48 hours or so. You can check out more here.