E-Mail New Device Logged In

Anyone knows how too change the mail to the correct ip?

“Your Bitwarden account was just logged into from a new device”
IP Address: ::ffff:

I am running self-hosted Bitwarden on Docker.

If BitWarden emailed you stating a new device logged in followed by an IP, it’s the IP address that the program has detected and you can’t change it. Maybe you were running a VPN or using Tor? Which gave you an IP that doesn’t match your device’s IP

Hi, thanks for reply.
No i am not behind VPN or Tor.
I have debian withs installs 2 nics lo and ens192
After install docker it creates 11 nic also docker0, br-1a4234, veth, …
I think it has to do with bridge to docker.
how to set this default to ens192?

To be clear: my own bitwarden self hosted send this email with incorrect ip

I’ve got the same issue, just found this after posting about it myself.

I found that if you simply create the data.json with enough information it avoids this :sweat_smile:

cat <<EOF > "$HOME/.config/Bitwarden CLI/data.json"
  "appId": "1c3330d9-9d7f-4ab6-81ac-72ef734a4775"

Same goes for self-hosted you simply need to have data.json with appId and an unique uuid that does not change for each startup.

Also mentioned here New Device Logged Emails · Issue #1254 · dani-garcia/vaultwarden · GitHub