Do you use the Bitwarden mobile app? Participate in a research study!

Your feedback is valuable! In an effort to improve Bitwarden products, we’re looking for users with Personal or Family Bitwarden accounts who currently use the Bitwarden mobile app. 3 individuals who qualify and complete the study will receive a thank-you gift for their participation.

What does the study entail?

This study is an interview format, where you will be asked to share a bit about your past experience with the mobile and show us how you generally go about completing a few key tasks. This will all be done through a video call with a researcher as you share your screen from your mobile device.

To preserve your privacy during the study, we will ask that you create a free Bitwarden account that you will log in to and use as part of this study.

How long does it take?

Sessions will last up to 1 hour.

When and where?

Interviews will take place between Wednesday, October 18th, and Friday, October 20th. Sessions will be conducted remotely from your mobile phone through the Lookback Participate app. You may participate using your personal or work mobile device so long as it is the device in which you use the Bitwarden mobile app today.

Interested in Participating?

Thanks so much for your interest in participating, this study has closed.

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