
I agree with all of your points, OP, but most strongly with the first one. My workaround has been to generate a password and paste it in Notepad, then either manually enter the login in Bitwarden or, as you said, immediately log out and back in again.

In another thread, they linked to this video that shows you how to create the Bitwarden entry first, then use it to create the account on the site your registering on.

Also agree with your statement that Bitwarden is a fantastic product, and I will continue to use it happily. These are simply feature requests for future development. (Questioning my decision to post this in a thread named “Disappointed”)

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I have to say that it might be that LastPass has it’s advantages, but I honestly have to say. When I tried to evaluate other alternatives to 1Pass which I really digged before Cloud-Versions the only (by far) suitable solution was Bitwarden. With the additional nice to have (for me must-have) that I could run it self-hosted.

The only thing that really bugged me until it was fixed (and it was fixed) is that there was no soft-delete option in earlier versions. That was one thing I couldn’t understand as this seems like such a normal thing to have that it really bugs when it doesn’t exist.

So I did incr-backups in shorter time periods. Problem solved.

And one really nice thing here is, that the developers work on this continuously and consider and implement feature requests which is far from normal especially in this quality.

So, it might be, that LastPass has its functionality that is better (which in my opinion is more gusto-based than really functionality-based).

It has its ways where it can (and obviously does) improve, and I personally cannot ask for more in a product that is very affordable, self-hostable, requestable and maintained. Just regarding the free-features set which is insanely valuable and huge.

So I think it is nice work and the few perks are absolutely acceptable.

Additionally when giving feedback just saying. It’s not like … so I don’t like it …
That is no feedback, that is a child’s temper tantrum.
Feedback is accompanied by information like what is missing and why it is important. That is constructive and everybody can work with that. Your “info” is just, well … useless. It’s not BW purpose to copy LastPass. And to believe that LP is the standard to keep up is nonesense. I looked at LastPass and I couldn’t not have liked it more.

A lot of users asking for specifics. I’m a new user - using Bitwarden for the past couple months only. Previously, I only used the browser’s password manager, and as long as things were browser based, this worked perfectly on every platform (Android, Windows, 5 devices), I’d say 90+% of the time.

I decided to go with a PM because, mainly, apps. And I regret it. My seat-of-the-pants estimate is that Bitwarden is “there for me” maybe 1 out of 5 times, across all websites and apps.

And when I say it doesn’t work at all, I mean it appears to be completely unaware that its services are needed, whether for a new login, or supplying password for existing. I did better with a secured spreadsheet, and that’s not hyperbole. The majority of the time, it didn’t capture a new password, or didn’t provide the password services when an app or website ran. It’s quite a lot more effort than using the browser’s built-in manager, along with a spreadsheet for non-browser things. Literally more clicks to wake it up than to open and find something in a spreadsheet.

I’ve read up on other complaints and apparently, there was an update earlier this year that messed things up. And as I’m using the latest, either that continues, or what I’m seeing are all new bugs. Like I said - not a long term user.

Most of the really terrible stats on this are with apps. I’d say 90% to 95% of the time, on my Oneplus 8T (fully updated), it simply appears to be unaware it’s needed. Having to reopen it, and enter a master password, and search for the expected login, every. single. time. I log in to app makes it worse than a spreadsheet. Okay - I’d allow that it isn’t worse, but definitely at best the same level of annoyance. So why have yet another app installed if it’s main effect is annoyance?

So I’m not comparing this to another general password manager - I’m comparing it NO general password manager, and it doesn’t stack up for that either.

When it does work, it’s great, but as this is a fraction of the times it should work, it’s not a viable solution.

@rbsts1 - I guess you can blame the software, but I believe the vast, vast majority of users would not be able to relate to your statistics about low rate of success with Bitwarden.

I use Bitwarden regularly on MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. I have never seen anything resembling your degree of issues using the software. Genuinely, it makes me wonder what you are doing wrong if my experience, and that of so many others, is so different?

Shills? Let me supply an alternative: I just registered, after a couple months as a user, to add comments with my experience. I can’t speak for anybody else, but if someone wants to pay me to comment, let me know :smiley:

Hey @rbsts1 just wanted to check in, I haven’t experience anything like that, but have you checked out the Android troubleshooting guide? There is a wide range of autofill configurations and perhaps there is a better configuration for you? Troubleshooting Android Autofill | Bitwarden Help Center

You an also contact the official support team any time at Get in Touch | Bitwarden

Welcome to the forums, @rbsts1.

Assuming you are referring to desktop apps (not mobile apps), this is where you went wrong picking Bitwarden as your first password manager. Bitwarden currently does not offer 100% functionality for logging in to desktop apps — for example, one of the most upvoted feature requests in the forum is Auto-type/Autofill for logging into other desktop apps . Although Bitwarden developers are in the process of researching options for implementing this functionality, there are inherent challenges in how to do this in a way that maintains cross-platform compatibility and works using the Node.js package.


This, and any other frustrations you may have encountered (besides the inability to autofill when logging in to desktop apps), seem to be caused by either some idiosyncratic issue with your particular set-up (which you should be able to troubleshoot with help from the community of these forums, or by contacting Bitwarden’s tech support directly), or by a lack of knowledge on your part regarding how to most effectively accomplish various tasks within Bitwarden’s UI (which you can also get help with on these forums).

Just like switching between a PC and a Mac is not intuitive and would require a learning curve, it will take a little time to figure out the best way to work with Bitwarden if you are coming from a different password manager (including the password managers that are native to various browsers). To learn, all you have to do is to is post a question in the “Ask the Bitwarden Community” forum. For example, new users commonly ask for help when Bitwarden fails to provide login credentials to a specific website; this is usually easy to fix by modifying the URI matching rules or be defining custom fields.

If you absolutely need to autofill login credentials for desktop apps, then you should probably look at alternatives to Bitwarden. On the other hand, if autofilling in desktop apps is not essential, then you should be able to significantly improve your experience with Bitwarden if you start engaging with the user community on these forums.

I am too, but I came from 1pass family plan to bitwarden individual plan.
Missing my tags, recent used entries, agility to move/copy/drag & drop itens.
Missing the entry saving webpage icons too.
Everything is manual. I had to activate a bunch of things that on 1pass were automatic like autofill, save suggestion, biometric unlock, and stuffs like that.
On 1pass it looks like more for general public while in bitwarden seems something more to security community.
Average design, average UI, average features, etc.
Still trying to adapt.
I am struggling more than I was expecting.
Many hours lost learning and testing. :man_shrugging:

Thanks for the feedback @fmartin the team is working on adding tags and sorting and there are lots of improvements coming on the roadmap.

There are also short video guides in the Learning Center, including the Bitwarden 101 series