Changing the password for an online service is cumbersome and/or risks getting lockec out of the service. I suggest this as very valuable new feature of BitWarden. Related feature requests. Job stories for changing the password on some online service:
While I change my password for a online service, I want to have access to the BitWarden password generator so that I can easily choose a new, strong password that meets the requirements of the online service
While I change my password for a online service, I want to have both the old and new passwords easily accessible, so I can change password on online services that require both the old and new password to complete the change password flow
While I change my password and the BitWarden browser plugin window closes, the old and new passwords are still there when I open BitWarden plugin again, so that I can complete the change password flow
When I have completed the change password flow, I want to log in to the online service with the new password, so that I can confirm that the password change was successful
Main motivating job story: When I discover that the change password operation failed for some reason, I want to still have access to the old password, so I won’t get locked out of the online service
When I confirm that the password has been successfully changed, I want to make the password manager no longer store the old password, so that I can easily log in with the new password next time
Possible solutions:
Log into the service, navigate to the change password page.
Open browser plugin, click on the View button for the service
Below “Autofill and save”, there is a new button “Change password”, or there could be a Change button at the password field, next to the Check, View and Copy buttons
This opens up new UI with the old and new password fields, allowing me to enter the new password myself or generate it. The UI contains buttons for completing the flow (forget old password) and for cancelling the flow (forget the new password)