Cycle through logins alphabetically (Browser extension)

How are things with this FR around usability when there are multiple matching sites for a page?

It sometimes feels like Bitwarden hates users who manage dozens of logins for customers. There have been many requests for improving this poor UX over the years, but they’ve been ignored.

I really want to love Bitwarden but this makes it so painful for me to use every day.

To summarize from this other thread, here are 3 suggestions that would drastically improve usability imo:

  • Show Bookmark Name and/or an optional custom field in some sort of overlay when cycling logins so we can identify logins when just using the keyboard shortcut
  • Show Next Bookmark Name (or perhaps the next two) so we know when to slow down when rapidly cycling
  • Add an auto-fill button directly in the Tab / Vault listings so it’s ONE click to auto fill a site instead of three