I am just wondering if is it possible to have localhost:3000 and custom domain as the equivalent domain. I have tried many combinations of localhost (localhost, localhost:3000, https://locahost:3000), but nothing seems to be working. I can’t just have my password shared between these two domains. Any idea how to resolve it?
Editing a single item doesn’t work for me unfortunately. I have dozens of logins that I need to share between google.com and localhost:3000. I need a global equivalent domain solution.
What if you edit your hosts file to make a domain like mydomain.local resolve to localhost, and then use mydomain.local in the equivalent domains definition?
Modifying hosts file also isn’t an option, because our application depends on localhost string for development. Routing inside the app is built on this. I think there is no other solution than having this working in equivalent domains
I don’t know why internal routing in your app depends on the Bitwarden extension’s autofill function, but OK.
If you’re a developer, you may want to consider writing a script that uses the Bitwarden CLI to automate addition of localhost:3000 as a second URI for all of your Google credentials.
More out of curiosity than out of knowledge: I guess the fundamental problem here is, that “localhost” is not qualified as a base domain, and therefore simply not allowed, no matter how you “vary” it, right? @grb