Credit card information not filling in completely on

When autofilling a credit card on, only the expiration date of the credit card is filled in.

<input id="creditCard-number" class="creditCard-input input-large creditCard-input--full unknown" aria-label="Card Number" placeholder="Card Number" autocomplete="cc-number">
<input id="creditCard-securityCode" class="creditCard-input creditCard-input--half input-medium cvc-logo" aria-label="Security Code" autocomplete="cc-csc" placeholder="CVC">
<input id="creditCard-name" class="creditCard-input creditCard-input--full input-large" aria-label="Name on Card" placeholder="Name on Card" autocomplete="cc-name">

Firefox Version: 124.0.1
Bitwarden Firefox Extension Version: 2024.2.1
Bitwarden Server Version: 2024.3.1
Bitwarden cloud hosted

<input required="" autocomplete="cc-number" id="number" name="number" type="text" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" aria-describedby="error-for-number tooltip-for-number" data-current-field="number" style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;, sans-serif; padding: 1.5em 0.8em 0.38em; transition: padding 0.2s ease-out;" placeholder="">

@CalmSculptor Welcome to the forum!

This is difficult for others to test, without an account at Freshbooks.

However, I created a test webpage, and copy-pasted your code snippets into an HTML form hosted on that page:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">


<input id="creditCard-number" class="creditCard-input input-large creditCard-input--full unknown" aria-label="Card Number" placeholder="Card Number" autocomplete="cc-number">
<input id="creditCard-securityCode" class="creditCard-input creditCard-input--half input-medium cvc-logo" aria-label="Security Code" autocomplete="cc-csc" placeholder="CVC">
<input id="creditCard-name" class="creditCard-input creditCard-input--full input-large" aria-label="Name on Card" placeholder="Name on Card" autocomplete="cc-name">
<input required="" autocomplete="cc-number" id="number" name="number" type="text" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" aria-describedby="error-for-number tooltip-for-number" data-current-field="number" style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, &quot;Apple Color Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Emoji&quot;, &quot;Segoe UI Symbol&quot;, sans-serif; padding: 1.5em 0.8em 0.38em; transition: padding 0.2s ease-out;" placeholder="">



The webpage looks like this when loaded:


After auto-filling a dummy credit card, it looks like this:



I’ve tested this using the Bitwarden browser extension in both Chrome and Firefox, and a Windows 11 system.

Thus, the only field that is not being auto-filled is the fourth one (id="number").

This is not to preclude the possibility that there is something on the Freshbooks checkout page that is interfering with Bitwarden’s auto-fill function. I would suggest that you report the issue using the following GooGle Docs form: