Cli login fail ( master password fail )

$ cat ~/.bashrc
export BW_CLIENTID="user.~~~"
export BW_CLIENTSECRET="~~~"

$ bw config server http~~selfhost-url

$ bw login --apikey
You are logged in!

To unlock your vault, use the `unlock` command. ex:
$ bw unlock
$ bw unlock
? Master password: [hidden]
Invalid master password.

Entered the password correctly.
I’ve even tried copying and pasting it, and I can log in just fine on the web.

I checked the browser extension and desktop app and found that I can log in as normal

fedora 40 x64
bitwarden-selfhost-beta 6.3

$ bw -v

This is a known issue:

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Same here I’m running with Alpine Linux 3.20

Does this mean that this CLI is useless ATM?