✅ Clear clipboard automatically after copy and paste

I am not a programmer so forgive my language. Please program Bitwarden to erase the clip board after a user copy & pastes a password or username.

I have been using Keepass for 7 years and have been looking at Bitwarden as an alternative. My company is offering LastPass Premium for free to its employees but I do not want to use LastPass. I would even pay for the Bitwarden Premium if it would erase the clip board.

this feature is a quickwin for security. After 1 min if clipboard = password than clibboard= “” :slight_smile:

Or even a setup timer in settings

Looks like they set it up… Not sure how long its been in the settings buts its there under settings > options > clear clipboard , set timer.

thanks, Bitwarden

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This is something KeePassXC does.
It is a bit annoying, especially if you paste repeatedly or in the case of KeePassXC need to type in a username before pasting.

Maybe auto delete after interval?


+1 Thanks

I still want to clear keyboard not just after timer, but after paste. Because when I generate the new password and won’t save it in time, I will lose it.

Wanted to creater the same feature request, but this is exactly what i wanted to write too.
I even created a mock-UI for this:

If you click the key with the red “1” then the password is copied to the clipboard but is removed from it after “1” insert.
This is a really good improvement on security. Most of the times a user wants to fill in the password one time after copied.

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This seems like a feature that the system would handle, because when you use ‘paste’ it is usually in another app, although I am not entirely sure. It would be a great feature to have if it is possible to implement.

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Just looked it up, at least for browsers there is a workingdraft for this:


Though i’m not 100% sure if this would be working the same for the browser addons.

The problem is when you have things like the “LG Clip Tray”

Currently I have a Tasker task that copies 15 cat emojis into the clipboard after the “screen off” event.

Do NOT do this. This is a UX nightmare. If implemented, at least make it opt-in.

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Hi. Do you know where this is in version 2022.12.0? I can’t find the setting on the web either. They wouldn’t just remove this feature again… right?

In the Android app, it is under Settings and then Options.

Oh, I’ve only been looking in the Windows and web version. Does this feature not exist there yet?

Hey @rikki1408 clipboard settings are also available in the browser extension and desktop app settings.

Oh okay. Where can I find these settings? Nevermind, I found it. Thank you.

Closing this one, as customizable clipboard settings are available.

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