I am not a programmer so forgive my language. Please program Bitwarden to erase the clip board after a user copy & pastes a password or username.
I have been using Keepass for 7 years and have been looking at Bitwarden as an alternative. My company is offering LastPass Premium for free to its employees but I do not want to use LastPass. I would even pay for the Bitwarden Premium if it would erase the clip board.
This is something KeePassXC does.
It is a bit annoying, especially if you paste repeatedly or in the case of KeePassXC need to type in a username before pasting.
I still want to clear keyboard not just after timer, but after paste. Because when I generate the new password and won’t save it in time, I will lose it.
If you click the key with the red “1” then the password is copied to the clipboard but is removed from it after “1” insert.
This is a really good improvement on security. Most of the times a user wants to fill in the password one time after copied.
This seems like a feature that the system would handle, because when you use ‘paste’ it is usually in another app, although I am not entirely sure. It would be a great feature to have if it is possible to implement.