Chrome extension issues

From the new update:

  1. Bug: the chrome popup window main actions are below a scrollbar. Since we now see a list of all the passwords in that window (meh), its a scrollbar in a scrollbar.

Use case: my main use for this app is a “Password Manager”
Rather than letting chrome (and the world) know my passwords, or use a single bad password, this allows me to use strong passwords, decently encrypted in a data store, and can auto-fill quicker than copy/pasting from my own encrypted source.

The new interface is as slow as copy/paste from my crypted text file, and more confusing. Yes, its not complicated, it’s just not optimal. Passwords should take 1s to fill and move on, 5s to create. Function over form.

Suggestion: CTRL+SHIFT+Y actually auto fills the password. Simple as that.
optionally CTRL+SHIFT+Y + ENTER (presses the FILL button on the popup)
It’s too easy.

Thanks for the great work!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Double scrollbar bug in new browser extension UI