Hello, with the old interface in the browser extension I had the option to choose either password or passphrase in the generator, but in the new interface I see no way to choose the default option (screenshot attached).
I am attempting to help a friend set this up and there is no longer a way to do this that I can see. How do we choose to use passphrases by default?
What version of BW extension are you using? What browser?
I asked because I am slightly confused. Here are the screenshots from BW v2025.1.0, first from the separate Generator screen, the second from the entry’s generator screen. If I select passphrase, the next time I use the generator, the passphrase generator would show up.
First, I see the same thing as @Neuron5569 and second:
May I ask, why you even want to do that? Passphrases should only be used for credentials, you have to memorize and/or type in or “say” regularly. Do you or rather your friend have mostly this type of credentials? - Otherwise, “passwords” (only the randomly created ones!) are stronger all the time and the recommended thing for most sites. (with the exceptions just mentioned before)