This proposal is not an easy read and should be of interest only to folks that want to use bitwarden to change passwords in a relatively large collection, using bitwarden reports. Based on amount of interest, I could subsequently improve this proposal.
Using the Bitwarden Reports service it is straightforward to change all passports affected by a break somewhere, or all instances of using the same password at multiple sites. In the following text I am explaining how this process can be further improved:
I had 135 reused passwords - reported as shown on the screenshot “Dialog A” below. The workflow I am proposing is
For each item
Step 1
- Click on red marker 1
- Click on red marker 2
Dialog A
Now, the problem is that each click on the "Save" button, advances the loop to the next item, so once you changed all passwords - they are all saved in Bitwarden's vault only. In order to also change them at all relevant sites, the list of all such sites is gone.
To address this situation, I propose a change in Bitwarden response to each click on the "Save" button on the "Dialog A": Instead of advancing to the next item that requires the password change, "Dialog A" should change to "Dialog B" as rendered below:
Dialog B
Note that Dialog B contains the same data as Dialog A and the workflow continues as:
Step 2
- Open the browser using the URI at red marker 5
- Set the “Username” by copying the data at red marker 4
- Set the new password as a copy from the field pointed to by red marker 3
Using this approach, each password change requires using the original Dialog A, followed by the added Dialog B. The click on the “Save” button in Dialog A, results in the appearance of Dialog B, and then clicking on the “Save” button in Dialog B advances the loop to the next item that requires the password change.